Friday, May 09, 2008


you know, you read about these blogs (some of you read the actual blogs) by people like doctors, or concerned citizen experts, or journalists or whatever and they are so dedicated to the problems of the day.

i'm not like those people.

today i watched a series of bill o'reilly diatribes, and then i watched "outfoxed" and then i watched jon stewart and i can't tell any difference between any of them. i hear tell there is a difference. i see the various tribes. i have the markings that let me pass among several of them. but i don't believe in any of them. i don't believe anyone is different.

but that's probably not true.

anyway, the point is, i'll tell you what i've learned this year and maybe it amounts to something useful. or more likely, it simply carries on the routine of all us self-important noones who need to acclamate themselves by showing off their discoveries.

as if all things weren't available always for anyone to discover.

that's not totally true.

i am disappointed because this year i tried to read "Everything and More" and i couldn't. there was a big to-do about DFW hanging himself. there were these groups of people who tried to orchestrate commitments to reading "infinite jest". suckers. it must hurt them to fail at that. almost everyone did. i spent a month reading it and never made it. that was ten years ago or more.

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