Sunday, April 02, 2006

(it's like saying) neils bohr was good with numbers

i keep hearing that heart song in my head, magic man. and though it's got nothing to do with magic, i'm obstinately using it as the soundtrack for my imaginary conjuring career. naturally, when one makes a statement like that,.

trying hard to avoid lifting more lines from Larry David...

the truth is, i'm not really qualified to write or talk about very much at all. there is a modern phenomenon, or maybe pandemic is the better word, in play. it's the idea that if you've read something, perhaps a critical review of a concert or a biopic of a well-regarded writer or painter, there is a tendency to pass this knowledge off as though you actually gained it through some direct experience with the subject itself.

see the ornette coleman review...

so what do i say about ricky jay? obsession does not beget coherence; it tends to further obscure the subject. drowning in proximity or whatever. my learning is like sunshine through rippled windows.

picsces: our blessing and curse. instant understanding and empathy. the ability to free associate. no idea or concept or emotion exists as a constant for us. BUT, we find it impossible to stop time long enough to completely encompass and codify our ideas. this lack is an ultimate frustration. so we lash out. keep trying to make nothing into something.

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